Opening Keynote: Diversity in Action Conference
March 23, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M.
A recent study and polls report that business is the most trusted institution in the world; 68% expect business to take the lead on fixing societal problems. As leaders, we are called to navigate intense challenges of social and racial inequities, distrust of government & politics, global warming, COVID, economic uncertainty, and more. How can we conduct business in productive, healthy, life-giving relationship with ourselves and others?
In “The Four Sacred Gifts”, Indigenous Elders from around the world share a call to action that asks all of humanity, from the living room to the board room, to remember their connection to all our relations. They tell us that vibrant community and experience of belonging can emerge when we individually and collectively embody four sacred gift.
- Discover how the indigenous world view of All My Relations teaches us about the interconnection of all we do in business and life.
- Learn how the four gifts, the power to forgive the unforgivable, power of unity, gift of healing and the gift of hope in action are essential leadership and life tools.
- Explore what these sacred gifts mean for you in your personal and work life.
Diversity in Action is a Leader Like Me initiative and is presented in partnership with SummersDirect Conferences & Events.
This global online event has some remarkable speakers from across the globe. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn from these industry experts who will share stories, strategies and their own learnings on key topics such as how to build an anti-racist organisation, how to find and listen to stories that are often overlooked and how to look beyond someone’s disability plus much more. This is a great opportunity for leaders who want to learn more about diversity issues and be part of a growing movement towards inclusion.
This conference will inspire, motivate and encourage change across various organizations where under-represented groups still don’t feel like they belong.
We believe that diversity and inclusion should be at all levels of the organization and that all individuals – regardless of ability, race, gender, or sexual preference – should be comfortable bringing their whole selves to personal and professional interactions. Studies have shown that this is not only good for society, but also good for business.
If you’re an action taker – come and join us!