Anita Sanchez

Books & Writing

The Four Sacred Gifts

The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., introduces us to the beauty and practical power of the Four Sacred Gifts, indigenous wisdom here to guide us in living as whole, joyful human beings in our modern lives.    Through a series of breath-taking, up-lifting stories drawn from experiences of leaders in business and communities around the world as well aEventss from her own amazing journey, the author inspires us to discover and trust our gifts showing us how to become the life-giving connection to all:  People, Spirit and the Earth. As Don Miguel Ruiz brought wisdom of the Toltecs, this book offers us the gift of indigenous collective wisdom from Elders of the four directions around the world.  Published by Simon & Schuster/Enliven/Atria books, September 2017.

You can learn more and order here The-Four-Sacred-Gifts.


Success Universite for Women

Success University for Women

Whether you are a career woman or stay at home mom, this book will help you soar in business and in life. Twenty-four successful women from around the world faced their fears and obstacles with courage, humor and authenticity. Their transparency and vulnerability is truly inspirational. If you’re struggling with difficult people or stress, low self-esteem or no energy…

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Success University for Women in Business

Whether you are a career woman or stay at home mom, this book will help you soar in business and in life. Twenty-four successful women from around the world faced their fears and obstacles with courage, humor and authenticity. Their transparency and vulnerability is truly inspirational. If you’re struggling with difficult people or stress, low self-esteem or no energy…

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Ecological and Social Healing

This book is an edited collection of essays by fourteen multicultural women (including a few Anglo women) who are doing work that crosses the boundaries of ecological and social healing. The women are prominent academics, writers and leaders spanning Native American, Indigenous, Asian, African, Latina, Jewish and Multiracial backgrounds.

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