Indigenous voices panel: (private event)
April 3, 2021 @ 10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Hoffman Institute –
Indigenous Voices: Answering the Call to Mend Our World
Healing our relationship to the natural world and our sacred Earth is crucial right now. Though it appears humanity is currently teetering on a precipice, we have the ability to powerfully reclaim our intimate relationship to Earth and reawaken to the wisdom that lies within ourselves, each other, and all of Nature.
By listening to Indigenous voices, hearts, and wisdom, we can reconnect to Earth and its wisdom. We can heal what must be healed and reawaken what must be reawakened.
Hoffman teacher and panel moderator Nita Gage, along with other panelists, will explore how we can move forward together, with intention and love, and by invoking personal responsibility to mend what must be mended.