Groundswell and Climate Change & Consciousness
March 20, 2021 @ 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Groundswell and the Climate Change & Consciousness community: The Eagle Hoop Prophecy: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times
About this Experiential Workshop
Join Groundswell and the Climate Change & Consciousness community in welcoming Anita Sanchez, PhD, Aztec tribe and Mexican American, consultant, trainer, coach, speaker and author of the international award-winning book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times. www.FourSacredGifts.com She is a thought leader and practitioner who weaves indigenous wisdom and modern science to support women and men to live their purpose in service and joy. Anita is one of only 60 women profiled in the World Woman Foundation’s #ShesMyHero initiative with other luminaries such as Jane Goodall; she is one of 43 women named by Conscious Company Media as a 2020 World Changing Woman.
In her latest book, “The Four Sacred Gifts,” Anita recounts the story of The Eagle Hoop Prophecy, based on Mohican Don Coyhis’ vision of a sacred hoop surrounded by eagle feathers. The twenty-seven Elders from around the world believe this vision is a sign that the time has come for all peoples to come together as one.
Divisive times require decisive action.
Wherever you find yourself encountering division, whenever you observe yourself feeling isolated or needing to withdraw from the people or situations around you, Anita invites you to remember there is another way to live, work and be.
It’s time to put down our cell phones.
“We don’t need more information,” says Anita. “We need more wisdom.”In this experiential workshop, Anita will share indigenous prophecy and lead participants in guided meditation, introspection and conversation to let go of what is no longer of service and to create harmony with ourselves, other people and the earth.