#WomenAdvancing: Special episode
February 1, 2021 @ 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
on MediaVillage.com with Anita Sanchez and Kate Byrne
#WomenAdvancing In a special episode of #WomenAdvancing, Kate Byrne speaks with Dr. Anita Sanchez, Ph.D. Diversity-Equity-Inclusion-Culture author of #TheFourSacredGifts, who reveals what those gifts are, the benefits of managing ego, and what “Hope” is to leaders, painting a picture of her path #OnTheVillage.
Welcome to Women Advancing, where world changing female leaders gather to share their journey, insights, hope and practical how-to’s in achieving their goals and making the world a better place in the process. Today we’re fortunate to be joined by Anita Sanchez Ph.D., a powerful(Author – Consultant – Trainer – Speaker) Diversity-Equity-Inclusion-Culture. The sense of a reset button having been pushed is palpable. Many leaders, particularly female leaders are turning to Anita’s book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times for inspiration.
Learning from being abused as a child and the racially motivated murder of her father, Dr. Sanchez teaches the power to forgive the unforgivable, the power of unity, the power of healing and the power of hope to direct us up to the next level of personal and professional leadership. We’ll discover that “her success” is actually “your success,” the importance of slowing down and how to shift from doing to being.